IBM 블록체인 사업부문 부사장


  • 2021.01 - 현재
    • Vice President RippleX, Central Bank Engagements and CBDCs
  • 2019.05 - 2021
    • Ripple Vice President Global Sales Strategy & Operations
  • 2018.08 - 현재
    • Founder of 7e4 LLC
  • 2015.01 - 2018
    • IBM Vice President, Blockchain
  • 2008.01 - 2017
    • IBM Vice President for the Global Payments Industry
  • 2005.01 - 2007.12
    • IBM Vice President Corporate Development, Software Group
  • 2003.01 - 2005
    • IBM Vice President of Enterprise Software Sales and Services, Americas
  • 2001.01 - 2003
    • IBM Director of Global Sales Operations, Software Group

과거 참여 이력 

  • 2018 미래금융포럼 기조연설
    문제해결을 위한 블록체인의 활용방안

2018 미래금융포럼 기조연설 1 - 문제해결을 위한 블록체인의 활용방안
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