삼정KPMG BCS 헬스케어 이사
한국공인회계사(KICPA) / 미국공인회계사(AICPA)
보건인력개발원 교육과정 자문위원(병원 해외 진출)
대학병원, 전문병원 대상 다수의 전략, 프로세스 혁신, 해외진출 타당성 분석, 마스터플랜 수립, 프로젝트를 수행
시스템으로 혁신하라(2015, 공저)
고려대학교 경영대학 졸업
연세의료원 국제처장
보건복지부 보건의료기술개발과장
주요 약력
조선일보 의학전문기자
뷰노코리아 대표
디지털헬스케어 연구소장
포스코기술투자 디렉터
한국얀센 비즈니스 엑설런스 이사
Rijan was appointed to the role of Business Excellence Director for Janssen Korea in May of 2015. In this role, Rijan and his team are continuously looking for ways in which Janssen Korea can combine the innovation in the provision of value adding solutions and services with the existing and future innovative medicines that Janssen provides. Prior to this role, Rijan has held several commercial positions in both Australia and the UK, the most recent being the Virology Business unit leader for Janssen Australia, he also has several years’ experience of working within the Mental Health, Respiratory and Cardiovascular disease areas.
Rijan’s vision for the healthcare industry in Korea is that the public receive access to innovative medicines that are supported with the latest in healthcare innovations to support everything from the screening and diagnosis of diseases to the support for patients as they take the difficult journey through the treatment and management of a disease.
눔 대표