문화체육관광부 관광산업과장
관세청 수출입 물류과장
한국문화관광연구원 선임연구위원
앙코르면세점 대표
신라호텔 부사장/면세유통사업부장
LG전자 소프트웨어센터장
한국면세점협회장/롯데면세점 대표이사
워싱턴대 컴퓨터 과학과 교수
Pedro Domingos is one of the world’s leading experts in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data. He is a Professor Emeritus of computer science at the University of Washington in Seattle and the author of The Master Algorithm. He is a winner of the SIGKDD Innovation Award—the highest honor in data science—and a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. He has received a Fulbright Scholarship, a Sloan Fellowship, the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award, and numerous best paper awards.
In 2018, Pedro joined the investment firm D. E. Shaw Group as a Managing Director to lead its new Machine Learning Research Group to work independently and in parallel to the firm’s machine learning efforts.
Pedro is the author or co-author of over 200 research publications, and has given over 150 invited talks at conferences, universities, and research labs. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Irvine in 1997 and co-founded the International Machine Learning Society in 2001. He has held visiting positions at Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and MIT. His research spans a wide variety of topics, including scaling learning algorithms to big data, maximizing word of mouth in social networks, unifying logic and probability, and deep learning.
대외경제정책연구원 선임연구위원