2020 헬스케어이노베이션포럼 세션 2 팬데믹 극복을 위한 글로벌 연대 특별강연 1 - 팬데믹 종식을 위한 새로운 백신개발플랫폼
전염병예방혁신연합(CEPI) 백신 R&D 부문 개발 프로젝트 리더
2018.08 - 2020.01
Senior Advisor, International Vaccine Institute, Korea
2015.08 - 2019.08
Director, Global Dengue & Aedes-Transmitted Diseases Consortium (GDAC) and Dengue Vaccine Initiative (DVI): Director, MERS Vaccine Program (to Jul 2018), International Vaccine Institute, Korea
2015.08 - 2017.07
Deputy Director General of Science, International Vaccine Institute, Korea
2012.08 - 2015.07
Chief of Virology, Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Thailand
2006.07 - 2012.07
Deputy Chief and Director of Field Operations, Virology, Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Thailand
2002.11 - 2004.06
Clinical Investigator, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, USA
2001.05 - 2002.10
Medical Director, Primary Care Associates, Portsmouth Regional Hospital, USA
2000.10 - 2002.10
Attending Physician, Portsmouth Regional Hospital, USA
1999.09 - 2000.09
Attending Physician, Munson Army Health Center, Kansas, USA
1997.07 - 1999.08
Chief, Internal Medicine Service, 121st General Hospital, US Army, Korea
1996.08 - 1999.08
Attending Physician, 121st General Hospital, US Army, Korea
Education and Training:
2004.07 - 2006.06
Fellowship, Allergy-Immunology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
1993.07 - 1996.06
Internship and Residency, Internal Medicine, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
1989.08 -1993.05
Doctor of Medicine (MD), New York University School of Medicine, USA
1984.08 - 1988.05
Bachelor of Science (BS), Paleobiology, Magna cum laude, Yale University, USA