다이렉트펀딩 대표
Brendan Ross
Founder & President of Direct Lending Investments LLC
Brendan Ross is the founder and president of Direct Lending Investments LLC, the oldest and largest short-term, small business loans fund. An expert in alternative assets, Brendan has directed the purchase of more P2P-originated U.S. small business loans than any other institutional investor.
Prior to founding Direct Lending Investments in 2012, Brendan served as CEO of a number of companies, including ReserveAmerica, the world’s largest outdoor recreation reservation company, and local advertising leader Fanfare Media Works. Brendan’s business experiences also include leading a product management team at Ticketmaster, where he received two patents for Ticketmaster Auctions.
He began his career at Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman), where he worked for a variety of clients including United Airlines, Bank of America and AOL. He left Mercer to join MediaOne’s newly formed Strategy Group.
Regularly cited by top-tier media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Investment News, Bloomberg, Fox Business and others, Brendan is a go-to source for information and analysis concerning the growing P2P and small business lending sectors. Brendan graduated with honors from Brown University with a double major in economics and sociology. He lives with his wife and two children in La Canada, located just north of Los Angeles, California.
Brendan Ross is the founder and president of Direct Lending Investments LLC, the general partner of the oldest and largest short-term, small business loans fund. An expert in alternative assets, as well as the growing P2P and small business lending sectors, Ross has directed the purchase of more P2P-originated U.S. small business loans than any other institutional investor. Previously, he served as CEO of a number of companies including ReserveAmerica and Fanfare Media Works.
100 Word Version
Brendan Ross is the founder and president of Direct Lending Investments LLC, the general partner of the oldest and largest short-term, small business loans fund. An expert in alternative assets, as well as the growing P2P and small business lending sectors, Ross has directed the purchase of more P2P-originated U.S. small business loans than any other institutional investor. Previously, he served as CEO of a number of companies including ReserveAmerica and Fanfare Media Works. Brendan graduated from Brown University with a double major in economics and sociology. He lives with his wife and two children in Los Angeles, California.
2016 미래금융포럼 세션
핀테크 기술을 활용한 해외시장 공략 : Globalization through Fintech